Monday, February 15, 2016

Barnabus Frost, Pirate Captain (36 of 400)

Cruising right along with some new paint jobs.  This is Barnabus Frost, the pirate captain from their Pirates collection in the Bones I Kickstarter.

This was the first Bones miniature I painted that wasn't primed.  A lot of people have been saying it is unnecessary and maybe even a bad idea.  I'm not sure--it's hard to get the paint to coat evenly.  Thoughts appreciated.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bronzeheart, Minotaur Hero (35 of 400)

Wow, another one.  It's like I've gone crazy painting or something. This is Bronzeheart, a Minotaur hero.  He's a solid figure, and not too complicated.  I had a player with a Minotaur barbarian PC and this guy would have been a perfect miniature for him.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lizardman Warrior (34 of 400)

A quick glance says I haven't updated this blog since September.  Yikes!

Not my greatest work, but some times you have to just get a win easy ones in before you can get back up to steam.  Not a bad figure, but I'm impressed at how much detail some painters can get out of these things.

Anyways, we are back underway on this task, at least for now.